Monday, January 17, 2011

A new adventure...

I am taking off on a new adventure in a few short weeks...Lima, Peru...Ahhhh!

Look for a new blog and a new blog title coming soon......

I am excited!

Monday, August 11, 2008


Sorry, but it's my turn to be lazy. Instead of posting pictures on this site, I posted pictures on Facebook so I will include the links to those albums so you can check out my pictures from my trip.

I guess I am just too busy and exhausted from watching ALL these olympic events. I LOVE the olympics. What a great two weeks!

Transitioning back to the states has been really smooth for me. I am so happy to be home, but definitely miss the relationships that I built in Nicaragua. However, my sister from Jinotega called me the other day just to see how I was doing. It was great to hear from her, and to practice my quickly fading spanish a bit : )

School starts on September 1, but volleyball starts two weeks before. So in a week from today I will be back in the gym, without working out for the past 3 months. YIKES! But the season will be great and I am looking forward to it very, very much.

Thanks for reading about my experiences on SST. Hope the stories were at least a little entertaining. Enjoy the pictures.

Album #1:

Album #2:

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Home Sweet Home

Made it home. It's been a long/fast 3 months. It feels great to be in my house and with family and friends again. But I am missing beautiful Nicaragua. Such a roller-coaster ride! I will post pictures and do a little more extensive update as I get used to this whole United States thing : )

Thanks to everyone who came to Goshen College to welcome me home. I think I win for having the most family members there. Thanks, I love you all!!

Update soon...

Friday, July 25, 2008

Good and Bad News

Good News: My family told me my spanish is so much better.

Bad News: GORDITA. After they told me my spanish was much better they told me that I had gained weight. Ha. GREAT! : )

All is well here in Jinotega. Missing my family and getting more sad everyday when I think about leaving this beautiful country. But I am also so excited to be home....what a mix of emotions!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

For lunch today...

For lunch today we ate fried pig skin.

Didn't realize it until after a few bites. Ha. Quite the experience. One piece even had some hair on it. That's when I asked exactly what we were eating...turns out it was pig skin.

Oh...SST. : )


If you know me, you probably know that I do NOT enjoying being bored. I am always the one planning something for a friday night. Or organizing an activity for all my friends. I always want to get my hands dirty and be active. I just love it. Bored is not really a word in my vocabulary.

Being on SST has really driven this point home. First of all, the work that we are doing here is not necesarily hands on. We often times are just observing rather than participating. Which for a while is fine....but after a while it gets old. And boring. JUST LET ME DO SOMETHING. That has really been a struggle for me on this service portion. I am here to do service and I feel like I haven't accomplished much, in terms of material things. However, the relationships I have built from just spending time at the Los Pipitos organization is really what will last a lifetime. I do realize that, and that makes me feel like I have accomplished something.

There have been a few weekends where I have almost driven myself crazy not doing anything. There is only so much conversation that you can have with our host family and there is only so much shopping you can do (I have to get all the stuff back to the states somehow : ) ha.) And Lindsey and I can only play Rummy and Dutch Blitz so many times. We have gotten really, really good at those games. And you can't do your laundry if you just did it yesterday. And after you read through all your books you brought, you start to read them a second time! So boredom strikes often. And sometimes it almost makes me crazy. I just don't know what to do with myself.

Even after all my complaining about my boredom, I think about the crazy life that I am going to have with volleyball season and school work this coming fall and it makes me realize that I will miss the laid back lifestyle that I have mostly enjoyed this summer. I have also learned that it is OKAY to be bored. Sometimes you just shouldn't do anything. Just be, and that's okay.

So overall while I have mostly loathed the boredom that I have experienced here, I think it has taught me some valuable lessons, about myself and about life.

Now it's back to work. Gotta finish those projects that are due in 4 days! You know you just don't learn enough just by experiencing SST. You HAVE to do other projects to pass SST. Who ever thought to make SST a graded thing. YUCK!!!

and NO I haven't been procrastinating on my projects. I was ALMOST done with all three of my written reports when one day the computer in our house decided to crash...luckily I had sent two finished reports to myself beforehand. But the one that was almost done...lost forever. So now it's time to start over, bummer!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The Lindsey and Alli Blog

First a little promotion for the goshen SST website. There are pictures posted from our city. You can see our family and the people we work with. You should check it out.

Because Lindsey and I are spending every waking moment together...sleeping in the same bed as well. We thought we should collaborate on a blog entry. We got a little lazy when trying to think of what to write, so instead we decided just to take little bits from our journal entries over the last 5 weeks here in Jinotega. Most of it is just funny things that have happened, other things might not make sense to you, but just use your imagination. Have fun! : )

"Most pointless afternoon ever..." -Lindsey Beck

"Walked around town for a while, tried to go to church. We were our family bought us piza and ice cream instead." Alli Hawkins

"There was a pigeon up in our room tonight, luckily pops (dad) saved us" -LB

"Today=monotonous" -Alli Hawkins

"Momma told us not to go to school today because there was too much rain." -LB

"I HATE the rain" -AH

"...Not sure why but maybe its because of all the beans and cuajada(cheese) we have been eating." LB

"The sun is out...GRACIAS A DIOS!" -LB

"walked into the praising of mother mary. We werent sure if it was for church or the recent passing of a relative...but we got Tutti Frutti out of it." AH

"Sang the national anthem...twice!" LB

"We sat around a while, read, wrote some journals. We heard the chicken get killed and then ate it for lunch. Ha." AH

"...Even playe accordian for the pulperia visitors. Dont know why but Alli and I are funny tonight" LB

"...left early, went to get ice cream." AH

"Gallo Pinto was PHENOMENOL tonight!" -LB

"he was high on life today" AH

"Made friends with Sergio. I think he loves us" LB

"everyone stood in the shade, except the gringos." LB

"2-speed Jose Ramon. Sprinting or Dragging."

"Got in trouble today because last night I had Tutti Frutti and supposedly that is REALLY bad for THE GRIPE!" LB

"Jose was the priest sidekick today. Finally, his dream is coming true." LB

"We painted. Mine was awful." AH

"Computer crashed..real cool..." LB

So maybe that gives you a little sampling of what life is like here in Jinotega for us. Always exciting, always raining, sometimes boring, but we always have a good time. Especially with our family...who makes fun of us all the time. Ohhh SST. : )

until next time,
peace out and much love.
Lindsey and Alli